Home Decor Rugs

High-quality, soft area rugs for living rooms and bedrooms. Available in various sizes and contemporary designs.

Soft Area Carpet

Short pile, soft and comfortable area carpet for home decoration. Adds a touch of elegance to any room.

Pandora Pattern Rugs

Unique Pandora pattern rugs that bring a modern and stylish look to your living space. Available in small to extra large sizes.

Contemporary Design

Modern and contemporary design that complements any home decor. Adds warmth and comfort to your living room or bedroom.

Bordered Rugs

Beautifully bordered rugs that add a touch of sophistication to your home. Perfect for adding a finishing touch to any room.

Grey Area Rug

Grey area rug in 120 x 170 cm size, perfect for adding a subtle and elegant touch to your living space. The perfect addition to any home decor.